eMail Reference Service

Use the following form to submit a question that can be answered with a brief, factual answer or for obituary requests. Please note you can use the Library Catalog to search for specific authors, titles, and subjects, and to place holds for materials.

Due to the high number of requests and the cost of supporting this service, a voluntary donation of $5.00 per inquiry search is suggested, unless you are a Massachusetts resident. Once you have received the information you requested, you may send a check payable to the Worcester Public Library Foundation or follow the link to our online donation page.

A response will be made as soon as possible. If you have not heard from us within five business days, assume we are having difficulty replying to your message. Please check for errors in your email address and resend your request. Requests from Massachusetts residents will be given priority. Your email requests will be treated with strict confidentiality. If you need immediate assistance, contact the Telephone Information Service at 508 799-1655, ext. 3.

Please observe the following guidelines for this form:

1. Fill out all parts of the form completely and include an e-mail address.
2. Explain your question as precisely as possible.
3. Tell us where and what sources you have already checked for information.
4. Please limit to three obituary lookups or questions per request. Wait for us to complete your request before submitting the next one.

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