The free AARP Tax Preparation Assistance Program for your 2024 tax return is returning to the library each Saturday from February 1 to April 5, 2025. Community members may contact the AARP tax volunteers directly to schedule an in-person appointment by calling 508-499-9495 beginning February 16 for March appointments as all February appointments are full at this time.

Meeting Room Policies and Guidelines

To print a pdf version click here.

The Worcester Public Library and Branches encourage neighborhood and community groups to take advantage of the library’s versatile meeting rooms at the Main Library and the Frances Perkins Branch at Greendale. Rooms are available to the public by application when these rooms are not needed for library purposes. These rooms are for non-commercial purposes and are open to organizations or individuals engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, civic or charitable activities. Programs with the purpose of informing attendees of other programs or services for which fees are charged are not eligible. Applicant must be 18 years old or older.

Reservations and Applications (during normal library hours)

Reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance and no more than three months in advance. Only one reservation may be made at a time. If a subsequent reservation needs to be made, you may do so on the day of the first scheduled meeting. Reservations for meetings in series are exceptions and require approval of the Executive Director.

Applications are available from the Executive Director’s office located on the 4th floor of the Main Library, at the Welcome Desk located on the 1st floor of the Main Library and on the library’s website at:

Open Access

All meetings must be open to the public. No fees may be charged in any form at any time. The Board of Directors may waive this regulation for library-sponsored events held at times other than normally scheduled hours of opening. The Board of Directors may permit the Friends of Worcester Public Library or the Worcester Public Library Foundation to charge admission for programs held to benefit the library. If there is a charge to enter a program during hours the library is open, this activity may not restrict access to regular library services.

Permission for a group to meet at the library does not in any way constitute or imply an endorsement of its policies, beliefs or program by the City of Worcester, any library official, or the Board of Library Directors.

Regulations and Requirements

The applicant is expected to adhere to the stated purpose of the meeting and to conduct it accordingly. All notices, petitions and publications, for distribution within the library, must have prior approval of the Executive Director. Press releases and meeting notices must comply with the description as listed on the application and must state sponsoring agency. The library may not be identified as a co-sponsor of a meeting without prior approval.

The applicant is responsible for obtaining any necessary permits for the activities it is planning for the room and must provide documentation at least one week prior to the event. The applicant must comply with any and all applicable laws and is responsible for any injuries or damages that may occur as result of its use of the room. The library reserves the right to require the applicant to obtain insurance coverage for any special events. Public performance rights are the responsibility of the applicant. The library reserves the right to request this documentation.

Coffee/refreshments may be provided and served by the applicant organization. Alcohol is strictly prohibited. Groups may not conduct financial transactions on library property. The library has the right to preempt any event for library use. In such rare instances, the library will make every reasonable effort to assist the group in reserving another date, library facility or meeting room.

Study rooms may be used at no charge on a walk-in basis or by appointment depending on availability. See Study Room Use Guidelines.

Equipment Use

The Banx and Saxe Rooms are equipped with sound system, projector, screen and WIFI capabilities. Microphones and computer hookups are available upon request. The library does not supply laptops or phone lines. Applicant must request AV equipment at the time of booking and sign a release form in order to use AV equipment. Microphones must be returned to the custodial staff before departure. Applicant is responsible for the cost of replacing or repairing any equipment that is damaged or not returned. The Worcester Public Library does not guarantee the availability of the AV equipment. AV equipment is handled at the time of reservation, see the guidelines here:

Room Availability

Meeting rooms are available at no charge during normal library hours. The reserved time includes setup and cleanup by the applicant organization (i.e., clearing tables and disposing of trash in receptacles). The meeting room users will not have access to the room until their assigned time. The meeting rooms must be vacated and left clean 15 minutes prior to library closing time at the Main Library, and 30 minutes prior to closing time at the Frances Perkins Branch.

Public Inquiries

The application form includes permission to release the group contact person’s name and phone number in the event of public inquiries.

Penalties and Appeals

Failure to comply with the meeting room regulations or these guidelines may result in denial of future use of a library meeting room, financial liability for damages, and/or immediate removal from the room.  Any question of interpretation of eligibility for meeting room use will be referred to the Executive Director. Final determination rests with the Board of Library Directors. Appeals for exceptions to these policies must be made in writing to the Library Board.

If the meeting runs after the time the library closes, the organization using the room is responsible for paying overtime costs of the custodians and staff who must remain to close the building, in addition to the after-hours rental fee of $250.00

Program Publicity Material within the Worcester Public Library

The Worcester Public Library promotes Worcester Public Library and Worcester Public Library Cooperative Partner events only. Outside organizations are responsible for promoting their events.

Fees for Special Events

Organizations must notify the library at the time of booking that the program will extend beyond regular library hours. The library reserves the right to reject requests for additional hours if it is unable to staff the premises.

The Special Events Application may be found at:

After hours fee: $35 per hour per custodian
After hours rental fee: $250

The Saxe Room:Room Descriptions

Named in honor of James Alfred and Mary Wick Saxe and partially equipped from a fund bequeathed to the library in 1948 by Mr. Saxe.

Location: 1st Floor, Main Library

Meeting Room Capacity: 130

Setup: Auditorium Style Only

Amenities: Kitchenette (including countertop for food & beverage service), tables and chairs

Equipment: Sound system, ceiling mounted projector and screen are available for presentations (applicant must provide their own laptop). Assisted Listening Devices Available.

The Banx Room:

Named in honor of James Albert Banx, cartoonist for the Worcester Telegram and Gazette 1923-67.

Location: 1st Floor, Main Library

Meeting Room Capacity: seating up to 40

Setup: Flexible room arrangement: Tables and chairs may be combined in various ways. Requests for arrangement must be made at least seven days in advance.

Amenities: Tables and Chairs

Equipment: Sound system, ceiling mounted projector and screen are available for presentations (applicant must provide their own laptop).

Frances Perkins Branch Library Meeting Room:

Location: Lower (Basement) level

Meeting Room Capacity: Seating 20

Setup: APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SETTING UP THE ROOM. Table and chairs are available. Applicant must return room to original setup.

Equipment: Sound system, screen and DVD player are available for presentations (applicant must provide their own laptop).

All rooms are handicap accessible

Special Events Applications

Please contact the office of the Executive Director for an application or click here for a PDF of the application.

Make a Payment for a Special Event

Payment must be received one week prior to meeting or event. Mail a check or money order made payable to the City of Worcester, along with a copy of your confirmation to:

Office of the Executive Director

Worcester Public Library

3 Salem Square

Worcester, MA 01608


The applicant must cancel a reserved space at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled time. The library reserves the right to cancel for unforeseen circumstances such as adverse weather conditions, utility outages, or other unforeseeable circumstances.


Metered parking is available at the Main Library in the McGrath parking lot in front of the library’s main entrance. Handicap parking is available in the McGrath lot. For fees or more information, please visit: Parking is limited at the Frances Perkins Branch, and can be accessed via Kendrick Ave.


For additional questions, please contact Worcester Public Library’s Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director at 508-799-1655 ext 35700.

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