Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
The Massachusetts State Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan (SHMCAP):
City of Worcester’s Current Open Space Plan:
Worcester’s Hazard Mitigation Plan
Worcester’s Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plan
Worcester’s Integrated Water Management Plan
FEMA Guidance on Substantial Improvement:
Flood Insurance Rate Maps (download here):
Flood Insurance Studies for Worcester County:
Volume 1 of 5
Volume 2 of 5
Volume 3 of 5
Volume 4 of 5
Volume 5 of 5
Letters of Map Amendment
FEMA P-347, Above the Flood: Elevating your Floodprone House
- Above the Flood: Elevating Your Floodprone House, FEMA-347 (View in FEMA library)
- Answers to Questions About the National Flood Insurance Program, F-084 (View in FEMA library)
- Coastal Construction Manual, FEMA-P-55 (View in FEMA library)
- Elevated Residential Structures, FEMA-54 (View in FEMA library)
- Protecting Manufactured Homes from Floods and Other Hazards, FEMA P-85 (View in FEMA library)
- Mitigation of Flood and Erosion Damage to Residential Buildings in Coastal Areas, FEMA-257 (View in FEMA library)
- Protecting Building Utilities From Flood Damage, FEMA-P-348 (View in FEMA library)
- Protecting Floodplain Resources, FEMA-268 (View in FEMA library)
- Reducing Damage from Localized Flooding, FEMA 511 (View in FEMA library)